Natura Bisse 3D Collagen Shock

Natura Bisse 3D Collagen Shock

3D Collagen Shock is a powerful stimulation treatment, crafted to articulate your gorgeous sculpted visage.

A unique triple collagen activation, working on different layers of the skin, it is designed to increase firmness, enhance facial contours, improving elasticity and boosting hydration.

This zealous formula is enhanced by our Active Face Contouring Technique, a massage that redefines your skin and sculpts your facial contours by boosting microcirculation and improving lymphatic drainage.

The result: a wondrous improvement in skin hydration levels, stimulating the synthesis of new collagen, and providing overall rejuvenation.

So get your power back with those sharp contours, striking features and outstanding attitude.

€ 145,- (75 min.)